Today's Hours: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. | 316.263.1311
Today's Hours: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. | 316.263.1311


Do you enjoy history and education?

At the Museum of World Treasures we strive to provide excellent service and experiences to our guests. You will be part of a happy, energetic, and dedicated team working to deliver the Museum experience to visitors from all over the world!


Click the download link to view the complete job description. Follow directions listed in job description.

Sorry, there are no job openings at this time.



Are you interested in gaining experience as a museum professional? Are you a dedicated and self-motivated college student or emerging professional? Look no further than an MOWT internship!

Internship program benefits include:

  • Ability to receive university credit
  • Opportunity to see what happens behind the scenes at a Museum
  • Experience working in a professional environment
  • Resume building opportunities

For more information

Email Education Manager


Our volunteers help with various day-to-day tasks at the Museum. You could lead a tour, work behind-the-scenes in one of our departments, lead a children’s program, help plan special events, or become a docent.

Learn more