Today's Hours: Noon – 5 p.m | 316.263.1311
Today's Hours: Noon – 5 p.m | 316.263.1311

Rocks and Minerals

From the massive structures built of limestone, to lustrous statues of gold, to the bright sparkle of even the smallest diamond, humankind has been fascinated with minerals and stones since before the dawn of recorded history. Science has given us an even deeper knowledge of major geological events that form this planet and the minerals it’s composed of. 

In Crystalizing Cultures: Geology, Minerals, and Human Civilization, you will learn about both the geological structures and fundamentals of rocks and minerals. You’ll also get a chance to see a chunk of real gold, a nearly three-foot-long amethyst geode, and fluorescent rocks.

Plan Your Visit!

Whether you have a few hours or an entire day to spare, we’d love to take a trip through time with you. From dinosaurs and Egyptian mummies, to World War artifacts and shrunken heads, our collection features amazing rarities from each era.

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