Thank you for your interest in volunteering at the Museum. Our many volunteers help with various day-to-day tasks, as well as special events at the Museum. As a volunteer you could lead a tour, work behind the scenes in one of our departments, lead a children's program, help plan special events, or become a docent by sharing your passion for history with our guests.

Volunteer Opportunities
Collections Photographer , Document Transcriber , Artifact Researcher
Tour Guide , Summer Camp Counselor - (Summer Only) , Craft Preparer
Research Assistant , Exhibit Builder , Sign Maker
Event Personnel , Photographer, Content Creator
Administrative Assistant
Programs Assistant
Help us plan the party!
Operations Assistant , Museum Attendant
Get Started
If you are interested in volunteering at MOWT, please follow these steps:
- Be of age. Volunteer positions have a minimum age requirement of 16.
- Submit a completed application (download below) and email to volunteer@worldtreasures.org.
- Request an interview. You will learn about the volunteer positions available at MOWT, our history and policies. After your interview, a volunteer coordinator will be in touch to let you know you have been approved and to set up your schedule.
- Begin training as determined by direct supervisor or volunteer coordinator.
*Please note that MOWT cannot accommodate those seeking to fulfill court-ordered community service.
Are you a student and looking to turn your volunteer time into job experience? Apply for a MOWT internship!
Group Volunteers
Interested in our group volunteer opportunities? Please email us to learn more.
If your group is interested in volunteering at MOWT, we ask you to follow the following guidelines:
- Your group should consist of at least five people.
- Any children in the group should be at least 12 years old. Please give advance notice if your group includes participants under the age of 16.
- Please bring enough adults to help supervise any participants under the age of 16.
- Please commit to volunteering at least three hours to make it worth the time and effort it takes to coordinate a group activity.
- Please make arrangements at least two weeks in advance of the date you are requesting. Call to find out which dates are available for your group to volunteer.
To arrange for you group to volunteer at MOWT, an adult organizing the group should call the (316) 263-1311 or email volunteer@worldtreasures.org. Thank you very much for your support and willingness to help. Volunteer support is vital to the Museum's success!