Charlemagne: An Overview of the King of the Franks
December 12, 2016

December’s Coffee with the Curator, “A Christmas Empire: The Birth and Rise of the Nation with Charlmegane’s Surprise Coronation” will be presented by historian Austin Setter. The presentation will set the stage of the rise of the Carolingian dynasty in the early Middle Ages and the development of nations that will become states, as well as the controversy over Charlemagne’s Christmas Coronation.
Charlemagne held many important titles, including Emperor of the Romans, King of the Lombards, and King of the Franks. He has also been called the Father of Europe, as he united much of Western Europe for the first time since the Roman Empire.
“King of the Franks” may sound like a funny title now, but in Charlemagne’s time, his royal title meant he governed the Francia/Frankia monarchy in the Middle Ages from 768 to 814. The kingdom’s geography shifted over time but was generally centered on the Meuse and Rhine rivers in northern Europe.
Charlemagne led many campaigns and wars and was engaged in almost constant battle throughout his reign. His legacy is also remembered for his many reforms: cultural, military, governmental, and monetary. However, one of the most fascinating aspects to Charlemagne’s life is the controversy surrounding his coronation, which has been long cause for debate among historians.
Want to know more about Charlemagne’s coronation and find out whether the history of it being a surprise is true or not? Join us December 15 from 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. for Coffee with the Curator at the Museum of World Treasures. Enjoy coffee from The Spice Merchant, pastries, and new friendships. Although this is designed for seniors, everyone is welcome to attend this fun and educational program. Admission is discounted to just $4 per person, and members are free. Go here to learn more.
Image (Top Left): Charlemagne (742-814), King of the Franks 768-814, Holy Roman Emperor 800-814, circa late 700s.
Image (Bottom Right): Equestrian statue of Charlemagne near Notre Dame cathedral in Paris, France