Take the Time - By Lauren Spencer
September 11, 2020

As a Museum we believe it is necessary, now more than ever, to emphasize the importance of places like zoos, museums, science centers, nature trails, aquariums, and more. Due to the financial effects of Covid-19, some arts and culture organizations across the world may have to shut their doors for good. We are believers that these spaces are not only portals for learning and growing, but can also be turned to for our own self-care — aiding in our mental health and well being.
A few staff reflections have started the conversation on museums and zoos as self-care spaces, but now we're thrilled to introduce our first public blog entry from Lauren Spencer. A Kansas City native, Lauren shares a heartwarming reflection on what these organizations mean to her.
Written by: Lauren Spencer
It is well known that moments and experiences from our childhood shape not only our world view but our sense of self for the rest of our lives. This is a knowledge that I try to remember every time I interact with my niece. Sadie came into my life when I was only thirteen years old. I remember holding her in the hospital and being completely overwhelmed at the simple fact that she was only a few hours old. I felt so lucky to get to be able to know her and hold her when she was so small and so new.
Being her aunt has been one of the greatest joys of my life. We lived together for six years. Throughout that time it was easy to find moments to make special with her. Those experiences were often as simple as sitting with her while we watched her favorite show. When I was a child I will never forget how special it was to me when the adults in my life took time out of their day to share in something I enjoyed. However, when I moved out, graduated and became an adult with a regular 9 to 5, those moments with Sadie became harder and harder to create. I could no longer take her for a whole summer day in the middle of the week to swim at the pool while the rest of the grown ups were at work. I could no longer walk down the hall and sit with her on her bed and watch “Paw Patrol.”
When the Covid Crisis hit and I found myself at home without a job I decided to make the most of it. Sadie’s birthday was in March and I devised a plan to take her to the zoo. Although she grew out of “Paw Patrol,” her love of animals has only grown since, and anytime anyone asks what she wants to be when she grows up, Sadie proudly announces “a vet.” However, we would have to wait to go to the zoo until opening day.
June arrived and with it the slow and careful reopening of cultural organizations across town. I hopped online and purchased and reserved us tickets and a time slot. I drove across town and picked up a bleary eyed but exhilarated Sadie (as according to her Mother, she had not slept a wink the night before.)
As we made our way through the entrance I could feel Sadie’s anticipation growing. We headed straight to the petting zoo where she was very excited to find that donkeys come in a miniature size. We then headed across the bridge, stopping to feed the swarms of beautiful sunset-colored Koi fish greeting us with open mouths. We spent a good chunk of time in the Rain Forest. The combination of that familiar musky smell and the look in Sadie’s eyes as she came across all of those strange and beautiful birds transported me to my own childhood zoo days gone by.
Sadie patiently smiled for picture after picture, and when we came to the end of our journey and I asked her what her favorite part of the day was? She replied confidently, “The zoo hot dog of course!”
As we made our way out, we stopped for a moment in the gift shop so Sadie could pick out a Geode and a stuffed wolf. Driving her home I was in awe as she thanked me for taking the time out of my day to take her to the zoo. Tears welled up in my eyes as I recalled that new little baby I held 8 years and three months earlier, and I was so grateful to have organizations like the zoo that allowed me to create a good memory for her, just as she had given me my very best.
(Photos taken at the Sedgwick County Zoo in Wichita, Kansas, courtesy of Lauren Spencer.)
We're currently collecting more self-care in arts and culture blog entries, and we'd love to hear from you!
How have places like museums, zoos, science centers, and aquariums (to name a few) impacted the way you learn, discover passions, or interact with the world? Help us amplify why these places matter by sharing the unique perspective only YOU can share!
Have questions that need answered? Please email Amy Emerson at marketing@worldtreasures.org.