Today's Hours: Noon – 5 p.m | 316.263.1311
Today's Hours: Noon – 5 p.m | 316.263.1311

Top 10 Reasons you should give to the Museum

December 1, 2015

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Today’s the Day!  We hope you haven’t completely spent your paycheck on Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, or Cyber Monday. While spending is fun, we think giving is better. 



Here are the Top 10 Reasons you should give to the Museum of World Treasures on #GivingTuesday:


10.  MOWT has one of the most complete T.rex discoveries ever made in@IvantheTRex. He’s 60% complete and the majority of what’s fabricated is his head--it saves us on teeth brushing!


9.  Children love the Museum. In fact, over 7,000 have visited so far this year, yet our Children’s Activity Center only has tables for the bigger kids. Preschool activity tables are on our wish list to Santa!


8.  Our building is over 100 years old...can you say maintenance issues?


7.  Our Presidential collection contains a written artifact from every single President but we can’t display the originals due to our lighting. Thomas Edison, can you help?


6.  Of the nearly 10,000 artifacts housed by MOWT, nearly 75% of these are not on display. Those not on display are kept in a 30’ x 15’ room--that’s probably smaller than your garage. Where’s HGTV storage solutions when you need it?


5.   Our website was designed in 2005. In 2005, YouTube had just been founded.


4.   Our Buddhas are massive. With some weighing in at over 2,000 lbs, this exhibit isn’t moving anytime soon without some serious forklift support.


3.  Our two Mummies bring you closer to the world of pyramids and Pharaohs than you probably ever thought possible.


2.  We have military uniforms from almost every major American War since the American Revolution, yet only one of them is a female uniform--and it’s not American.


1.  We are a 501c(3) nonprofit organization that relies on the support of donors, like you, to bring history to life. Lifelong Learning, Infinite Possibilities!


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