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Today's Hours: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. | 316.263.1311

Why I love Volunteering at the Museum - by Emmy Hollaway

August 22, 2016

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The Museum of World Treasures offers internship (and volunteer) opportunities that provide hands-on educational experiences in one of Wichita's most diverse museums. Interns have the opportunity to receive university credit while building their resume. Learn more about our internship program. One of our interns, Emmy Hollaway, recently wrote a blog about her experiences at the Museum. Here is what she had to say:

My first visit to the Museum of World
Treasures in 2011.

My first visit to the Museum of World Treasures was back in 2011. I was immediately enraptured by the amount of history on display. I remember thinking how incredibly amazing it would be to get to volunteer here. However, I lived in a city over two hours away and I was still in high school. Geography and time weren’t in my favor. But I “hoped for someday” anyway.

A year ago this month, my goal came to fruition when I was granted an internship at this wonderful museum. My time as an intern taught me so many amazing things. I loved being in an environment where everyone loved history as much as I do. The opportunity to work in this environment gave me a clearer understanding of what I aspired to do for a career. I am, and continue to be, challenged in new ways at the Museum. For example, giving tours gave me a love for the educational side of museum work while my participation with special programs gave me valuable experience.

My four-month internship ended last December, but I’m very grateful that I’m still given opportunities to volunteer here. The Museum is one of my favorite places to be. A plethora of learning opportunities await a volunteer, and one I enjoy immensely is coming back and giving tours. It’s always a fun experience to share the rich history the Museum has on display.

Here I am as an intern dressed up like a pirate for the
Museum’s “Pirates on the Patio” event last September.

The Museum of World Treasures has so many amazing things to see. I’d like to share a few with you.

  1. Two real mummies reside in the Museum. They are both female and have their real hair, teeth, and nails. The detail of their fingernails is especially intriguing. The entire Egypt exhibit is amazing.
  2. Have you ever seen a real shrunken head? The Museum has one. And yes, I think it’s super cool. But then again, I’m a history geek.
  3. Their T-Rex is 40-60% complete. Many more dinosaur fossils are also on display, and it’s pretty sweet if you like dinosaurs. But who doesn’t like dinosaurs?
  4. The Museum has artifacts from Ancient Near East, Greece, Rome and more—and that’s just on the first floor. Did you know that Romans wore makeup just like we do today? However, their makeup contained lead, which of course, is poisonous.
  5. They display numerous American history exhibits including: Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korean War, and the Vietnam War. This is just a taste of all they have to offer.

I loved ancient history as a kid and still do. I know it was a favorite of many people I met while giving tours at the Museum. What is your favorite historical period?

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