Today's Hours: Noon – 5 p.m | 316.263.1311
Today's Hours: Noon – 5 p.m | 316.263.1311


Museum Etiquette 101

June 8, 2017

Museum folk like humor as much as the next person.  To that end, we have developed a number of tips for museum visitation, all tongue-in-cheek of course and actually the antithesis of how you should act in a museum.  But it’s fun!   So, when visiting a Museum, it is...

Research Update on Ivan

June 1, 2017

Last June, Steven King, the Curator at the Museum of World Treasures, went on a research trip to study Ivan the Tyrannosaurus rex.  Stops included the site where Ivan was excavated, the Museum of the Rockies and the Royal Tyrrell Museum to examine tyrannosaur material in their collections.  The trip was...

Thanksgiving: Fact vs. Fiction

November 14, 2016

November’s Coffee with the Curator, titled “The First Thanksgiving: Myths & Realities” features Dr. Carolyn Speer Schmidt speaking about the true history of the holiday and explains some of the misconceptions that surround Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a national holiday celebrated in the United States that originated as a day to...

Why I love Volunteering at the Museum - by Emmy Hollaway

August 22, 2016

The Museum of World Treasures offers internship (and volunteer) opportunities that provide hands-on educational experiences in one of Wichita's most diverse museums. Interns have the opportunity to receive university credit while building their resume. Learn more about our internship program. One of our interns, Emmy Hollaway, recently wrote a blog about her experiences at the...

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